Orion's Timeless Legend of Willis

Orion's Timeless Legend of Willis

Ch Tracersown Hylbillie's Arlo

CH Tracersown McGruf Bothswain

Ch Tracersown Trooper

Ch Tracersown Golden Girl

Tracersown Linda's Stardust

Ch Serendipity's Lido

Ch Woodsong's Homegrown Onion

CH Legend's Hero Lizabeth

Ch Heroes Monopoly

CH Kenmore of Legacy

BISS CH Polaris of Legacy

CH P-Jaze Legacy Brand Cabaret

CH Heroes Unforgettable Jasmine

CH Legacy Brand's The Sheik TD

CH Saratoga of Legacy

CH Housebuster's Discovery

DKCH/KBH99/KLBCH Danish CH Legacy's Housebuster

Am/Can Ch Legacy's Totally Radical

CH Legacy's Willow Shade

CH Majestic's Almond Joy

BISS CH Polaris of Legacy

Ch Legacy's Candy Divine